is a Cool and simple Trick to Disable ShutDown of any Computer. We can
Play this Trick on our Friend's Computer or can be used to annoy the
enemy. We can prevent people from Shutting Down their Computer.
Here is the simple Trick :
1) Start >> Run >> type "regedit.exe" >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Win dows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
2) Now create a new dword value named NoClose by clicking Dword Value. Set its Value Data to 1 to Disable the ShutDown Option.
3) Now it is done. Have fun.
So it is a simple Trick to Disable ShutDown of any Computer
Here is the simple Trick :
1) Start >> Run >> type "regedit.exe" >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Win dows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
2) Now create a new dword value named NoClose by clicking Dword Value. Set its Value Data to 1 to Disable the ShutDown Option.
3) Now it is done. Have fun.
So it is a simple Trick to Disable ShutDown of any Computer
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