What is Malware?
Malware is a software program that has bad intentions. It can either be
installed by the computer user accidentally or it can sneak into your
computer through various avenues. Its not the same as a piece of
software that by chance causes harm to your computer, malware is
software that has been developed with the intent of causing problems
with your computer.
What is Spyware?
Spyware is a type of malware program that invades your computer and
basically spies on you. There are different types of spyware that
collect different information. A common spyware type is a keylogger
which records keystrokes typed on your keyboard. This is how people lose
their bank account details. Other spyware will record your actions and
browsing habits on the internet. Any information collected by spyware is
usually with the intent to sell.
What is Adware?
Adware is another form of malware and is exactly as the name suggests,
software with advertising. Adware can be downloaded and sometimes
included in free programs. For example Windows Live messenger and Yahoo
messenger contain adware. Although some programs give the option not to
install the extra adware, others seem to sneak it in without permission.
What is Virus?
A virus is a small program designed to infect your computer and cause
errors, computer crashes, and even destroy your computer hardware.
Unlike spyware, a virus can grow and replicate itself. It can also
travel from one computer to another via an internet connection. Of
course you can get viruses from discs with virus infested files stored
on them, however the internet is the most common entry point. Some
common symptoms of a virus are emails being sent to all contacts when
you didn’t send them, being taken to webpage’s that you didn’t choose,
or being told you have a virus and to download a program to fix it.
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